With accuracy and precision, the syringe pumps offered by Triumph Medical Services deliver the exact volume of fluid needed. Buy, rent or service syringe pumps from us and experience peace of mind knowing each device has been tested by a factory trained technician.
Hospitals and veterinary clinics worldwide benefit from the savings they experience through Triumph Medical Services. By offering high-quality, refurbished syringe pumps, it is possible to save 30-80% as opposed to purchasing the same product brand new. Additionally, our medical equipment rental process results in the products shipping in a patient-ready state with up to a one-year warranty.
We make it our mission to only carry the best equipment including options from Medfusion, Kangaroo, and the B. Braun syringe pump also known as the B. Braun Perfusor ® Space. Regardless of your specific needs, our goal is to provide for them at the best cost without sacrificing quality.
Contact us today to find out how much you can save on your syringe pumps!
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